Saturday, February 16, 2008

God's Soverienty - It's Not About Us!

Often we like God's Sovereignty when it makes sense to us...when it makes my life "work out" or look better. But that is really not the filter to use when trying to get a grasp on God's sovereignty, for it leaves us as the end goal...that's a shallow Christian and a small god. God is seeking a host of nations worshipping him, and one day that will happen. That's what he's up to in history! All of his actions lead to that! If my life doesn't always make sense now but it leads to that eventual goal, so be it! Remember Hebrews 11? The writer (Timothy I think) there said "they all died not having yet received the promise" (paraphrase). WOW! The best lens through which to see God's sovereignty in its fullest sense is the overall purpose of a gathering of nations worshipping the one and only true God! That puts my comfort or discomfort in a whole new light, and rightly so! It's really not about me or's all about God!

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