Friday, December 2, 2011

One Small But Significant Action

Few people in the early 1900's knew the hidden power of a single, small action better than James Flannigan, a pastor in Omaha, NE in 1917.

You see, while most of America was wrapped up in World War 1, checking the papers daily to see if their boy was on the list of those killed in Europe, Rev. Flannigan was concerned about the orphan boys right under his nose; the lonely, homeless, hungry children who sat right in the path he took everyday to his church.

Know what he did? He invited six of them over to his house on December 12, 1917. And that was the beginning of Boys Town USA. Yes, he simply saw a need – one that most thought was insignificant – and met it. And he's been meeting needs ever since.

Merry CHRISTmas!

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